Environment and Sustainability
Technical support documents to develop environmentally sound transportation infrastructure programs and services as well as the operation of multimodal transportation systems.
Guidance pertaining to the design and performance of a multi-modal transportation system. Recommended practices for the design of such facilities to provide mobility and integrate safety features for all users; recommend and promote design practices that will protect and enhance the quality of the environment; facilitate research and guidance on various design-related topics in transportation, practices, and experience in the field of transportation facility design; and give due consideration to the effect of all design features on economic and energy resources.
Bridges and Structures
Engineering standards, specifications, and principles pertaining to the methods and procedures of bridge and structural design, fabrication, erection, construction, inspection, and maintenance, including geometric standards and aesthetics, as appropriate, for bridges, tunnels, and ancillary structures.
Recommendations for testing and investigating existing and new materials of construction and determine areas of needed study and research in bridge engineering. Standards and procedures appropriate for rating and evaluating existing in–service structures.
Traffic Engineering
Recommendations on all aspects of traffic engineering, including: the effectiveness of new and existing traffic control practices and devices in terms of context, cost, and public safety; advancements and innovations in methods and equipment that reduce costs, lower energy consumption, improve motorist guidance, and reduce crashes; and the standards and guidelines contained in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other technical documents.