Petroleum Distillates
Doctor test, fractionation, disulfide sulfur, sodium by ICP-OES or AAS, chlorides by microcoulometry, color stability, and more.
Liquid Hydrocarbons
Hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan sulfur, nitrogen bases, bromine number and index, water by coulometry, trace non-aromatics, C6 and lower boiling hydrocarbons in naphthas, inorganic and organic chlorides, dissolved molecular oxygen by electrochemical detection, oxygen by pyrolysis, chloride by dry colorimetry, mercury and mercury species, and more.
Liquified Petroleum Gases (LPG)
Disulfide sulfur, free sulfur by mercury number, sulfur components by GC-SCD, trace hydrocarbons by GC, chlorides by microcoulometry, nitrogen by chemiluminescence, nitrogen by IC, BTEX impurities, and many more.